Nice saturday, but I stayed at home for the whole day long. After went out for breakfast with dad and sis, and sent my sis to bus stop, I stayed at home.
I was listening to song all day, Lu Guang Zhong "100 Life". That's so nice. I like so much. I watched "Sepet" as well. This is a 2003 movie, but I never watch before. Now I got it, and I love this. Unlike others, for me, this is truly malaysian. Some part of it, I feel it, malay, chinese, indian, even nyonya, something that around you. This is a love story with a sad ending. So, if you love someone, tell them. In western culture, "I love you", is not a difficult word, but in Asian, we don't really say it. The words that you put in your heart, people doesn't know it. Don't simply think that others will know. Speak it out.
In the movie, it point out some truly malaysian situation. "Not every chinese is cheat, and not every malay is lazy." "Orked got 5As, but get the scholarship. Jason got 7As, but he didn't get it." "Girls like to have western lookalike boy friend." and so on so on.
A day at home, easy, comfort, relax, and cool.