
My Gear

Friday, September 5, 2008

Bulan Puasa

Now is Bulan Puasa. I'm not the one who Puasa, and Bulan Puasa is nothing related with me. I didn't go for Sahur and Buka Puasa, I still can eat and drink any time.

But Bulan Puasa did affect my living style a bit. During Bulan Puasa, Malay restaurents are not going open for you and offer you for food. So, around my working area, canteen and malay restaurents all are closed for the whole month. Oh gosh, no 10.00am tea time, no 3.00pm tea time. Because I don't have my breakfast early in the morning, I normally wait until 10.00am then only go for some food, and 3.00pm tea time is just for refresh.

For yesterday, only a few cookie in the early of morning, then no food for 10.00am. I thought I can had my lunch later on in the chinese restaurent, and then something important need to be settled. No lunch again. No 3.00pm tea time also. I started feel hungry and sleepy. Normally I also don't eat my dinner. So I went out and bought some bread to fill my stomach. So as conclusion, for yesterday, only a few cookie and some bread for my meal. Oh~ I did this? This is kind of suffer. I better to get some better meal.

I respect those who Puasa. Starving, thristy, it is not easy. Salute.

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